Bioarea Headquarters
Commercial building renovation in Porto Alegre - RS
Management Execution
Bioarea - Soluções Ambientais
220,00 m²
Architectural project
Integra Studio
Marcelo Donadussi
The project consists of the renovation of a degraded residence for the implementation of the BIOAREA office, a company specialized in environmental licensing and consultancy. The goal was to enable a work with reduced budget with sustainable solutions that followed the company's concept.
The house was deactivated and in a situation of neglect with several construction pathologies, infiltration problems, inoperative building installations, with no habitable conditions. There was a team's doubt about what could be maintained. That way the project started from an assessment of the existing structure and the level of intervention to be carried out.
The main structure and external masonry were maintained. The subfloor, internal finish and roof had to be remade. It was decided to keep the use of exposed clay tiles searching for a connection with the architectural language of the neighborhood, predominantly residential.